Tuesday, October 12, 2010

EVENT: Celestial Salt publication launch October 20 Ryan Gallery RHA Dublin

the Good Hatchery would like to invite you to the launch of the Celestial Salt publication on Wednesday 20th October 5.30 – 7pm in the Ryan Gallery of the Royal Hibernian Academy, Ely Place Dublin.
Refreshments and copies of Celestial Salt publication will be provided.
Celestial Salt is a visual art project that saw six artists bring an artwork that was originally created and exhibited in an art context to the rural environment surrounding the Good Hatchery in December 2009. This publication contains documentation of the artists work alongside six pieces of writing. Writers were invited from various backgrounds and paired with one of the artworks. The writers were asked not to describe the works but rather to take the artwork as inspiration for their own creative output.
Artists include:  Mark Clare, Alex Conway, Anita Delaney, Doreen Kennedy, Barbara Knezevic, Ben Mullen
Writers include:  Claire Feeley, Jennifer Fitzgibbon, Paul Murnaghan, Luke Sheehan, Darren Barrett, Patrick Bresnihan
Celestial Salt was curated and produced by Carl Giffney and Ruth E Lyons
and kindly supported by Offaly County Council.

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