Tuesday, October 12, 2010

EAHN: European Architectural History Network - Newsletter

The European Architectural History Network supports research and education by providing a public forum for the dissemination of knowledge about the histories of architecture. Based in Europe, it serves architectural historians and scholars in allied fields without restriction on their areas of study. The network seeks to overcome limitations imposed by national boundaries and institutional conventions through pursuit of the following aims:
  • increasing the visibility of the discipline among scholars and the public.
  • promoting scholarly excellence and innovation.
  • fostering inclusive, transnational, interdisciplinary, and multicultural approaches to the history of the built environment
  • encouraging communication among the disciplines that study space.
  • facilitating the open exchange of research results.
  • providing a clearinghouse for information related to the discipline.
For information on the European Architectural History Network visit:
Follow this link for the latest newsletter:

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