Tuesday, October 26, 2010

EVENT: 1st Meeting of CHIRA Thursday 28th October

Yes at last - it's time for CHIRA's first event! We look forward to welcoming members to any or all parts of the evening on Thursday 28th October 2010.

The events at Green on Red are free (although tickets for the second one must be booked in advance - check our email to members from last week)...what you spend in The Lombard is up to you!!

Thursday 28th October 2010 - Event programme for CHIRA members

5.00pm - Private View of Dennis McNulty's second solo show The Driver and the Passenger in the Green on Red Gallery 26-28 Lombard Street East, Dublin 2. http://www.greenonredgallery.com/exhibition.php?intProjectID=93

7.30pm - Social gathering in The Lombard Pub, Lombard Street, Dublin http://www.thesmithgroup.ie/thelombard/index.html

9:30pm (sharp)  
Green on Red Gallery, 26-28 Lombard Street, Dublin 2.
Performance of Ghosts of the Garden City, a collaboration between Dennis McNulty, architectural historian Ellen Rowley and musician David Donohoe
Entrance is free but places are limited, to book please contact Jerome or Mary at T: 01 6713414 or E: info@greenonredgallery.com

Ghosts of the garden city emerged from conversations between McNulty and Rowley, relating to Rowley’s current research into twentieth-century Irish architecture, and explores the history of mid-twentieth-century public housing in Dublin.

Images uncovered by Rowley in the course of her research will be woven together with recordings of her voice and the distinctive timbre of Donohoe's DX7 synthesiser to create a hybrid of lecture, documentary and musical performance. The influence of the British Garden City movement on the expansion of twentieth-century Dublin provides a backdrop for a meditation on public housing. We move from inner city developments like the Townsend Street flats, which share the same side of Lombard Street as Green On Red Gallery, out to Crumlin and Drimnagh, the second wave of Dublin suburbs, created in the thirties and forties following housing developments at Marino and Drumcondra in the twenties.

Donohoe has recently been working to unlock the under-explored potential of the Yamaha DX7 as an expressive instrument for live performance. This most evocative of synthesisers defined the sound of the 1980s, gaining notoriety due to its employment of the highly unpredictable FM (frequency modulation) form of synthesis. It is deeply embedded in the music of that particular era. In Ghosts of the garden city, Donohoe’s performance acts as a filter through which Rowley's research is re-contextualised and imbued with particular emotional and psychological resonances.

Ghosts of the Garden City is presented as a companion to The Driver and the Passenger, McNulty's current solo show at Green On Red Gallery. He has worked with both Rowley and Donohoe previously, the former when she made a presentation as part of the AFTERTHOUGHTS seminar at the gallery in 2008 and the latter as part of electronic music experiment serverproject. With this project, roles are shuffled slightly as the nature of these collaborations continues to mutate.

Ellen Rowley is assistant editor of Irish Architecture 1600 – 2000, Volume IV of Art and Architecture of Ireland (Royal Irish Academy, Yale University Press, 2014). She is an award-winning lecturer on the subject of architectural history and theory with the School of Histories and Humanities, Trinity College Dublin (2003 – 2008). She is completing her PhD (2010) on the history of architecture in Dublin 1940 -1970, and has lectured extensively as well as published many articles and chapters on this subject.

David Donohoe's solo music practice is focused on synthesizer improvisation based on modal structures. He also coordinates Rainfear, a vehicle for both layered self-improvisation and collaborative work. With Eamonn Doyle he is working on String Machine, a collaborative music project, seeking to open dialogue between acoustic and digital traditions and practices.

Dennis McNulty's practice is concerned with memory, potential and flow. His work emerges from research, suggesting possible narratives through the overlapping of fragments in various media. Recent group shows include ‘Nothing is Impossible’, The Mattress Factory, Pittsburgh, USA (2010) and ‘Mixtapes’, The Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork (2010). In 2004, he represented Ireland at the São Paulo Bienal.

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